Crystal Island Uncharted Discovery Publications


Lewis Johnson and James Lester. Face-to-Face Interaction with Pedagogical Agents, Twenty Years Later. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 26(1), 25-36, 2016.


Jonathan Rowe and James Lester. Improving Student Problem Solving in Narrative-Centered Learning Environments: A Modular Reinforcement Learning Framework. Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, pp. 419-428, Madrid, Spain, 2015.


Alok Baikadi, Jonathan Rowe, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Generalizability of Goal Recognition Models in Narrative-Centered Learning Environments. Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, pp. 278-289, Aalborg, Denmark, 2014.
Seung Lee, Jonathan Rowe, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. A Supervised Learning Framework for Modeling Director Agent Strategies in Educational Interactive Narrative. IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, 6(2), 203-215, 2014.
Eun Young Ha, Jonathan Rowe, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Recognizing Player Goals in Open-Ended Digital Games with Markov Logic Networks. Plan, Activity and Intent Recognition: Theory and Practice, Sukthankar, G., Goldman, R., Geib, C., Pynadath, D., Bui, H. H. (Eds.), pp. 289-311, Morgan Kauffman, Waltham, Massachusetts, 2014.
Jennifer Sabourin and James Lester. Affect and Engagement in Game-Based Learning Environments. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 5(1), 45-56, 2014.
James Lester, Hiller A. Spires, John Nietfeld, James Minogue, Bradford Mott, and Eleni Lobene. Designing Game-based Learning Environments for Elementary Science Education: A Narrative-centered Learning Perspective. Information Sciences, 264, 4-18, 2014.
Meixun Zheng and Hiller A. Spires. Fifth Graders' Flow Experience in a Digital Game-Based Science Learning Environment. International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments, 5(2), 69-86, 2014.


James Lester, Eun Young Ha, Seung Lee, Bradford Mott, Jonathan Rowe, and Jennifer Sabourin. Serious Games Get Smart: Intelligent Game-Based Learning Environments. AI Magazine, 34(4), 31-45, 2013.
Jennifer Sabourin, Lucy Shores, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Understanding and Predicting Student Self-Regulated Learning Strategies in Game-Based Learning Environments. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 23(1-4), 94-114, 2013.
Alok Baikadi, Jonathan Rowe, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Improving Goal Recognition in Interactive Narratives with Models of Narrative Discovery Events. Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Intelligent Narrative Technologies, pp. 2-8, Boston, Massachusetts, 2013.
Jonathan Rowe and James Lester. A Modular Reinforcement Learning Framework for Interactive Narrative Planning. Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Intelligent Narrative Technologies, pp. 57-63, Boston, Massachusetts, 2013.
Wookhee Min, Jonathan Rowe, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Personalizing Embedded Assessment Sequences in Narrative-Centered Learning Environments: A Collaborative Filtering Approach. Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, pp. 369-378, Memphis, Tennessee, 2013.
Jonathan Rowe, Eleni Lobene, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Embedded Scaffolding for Reading Comprehension in Open-Ended Narrative-Centered Learning Environments. Proceedings of the AIED Workshop on Scaffolding in Open-Ended Learning Environments, pp. 69-72, Memphis, Tennessee, 2013.
Jennifer Sabourin, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Discovering Behavior Patterns of Self-Regulated Learners in an Inquiry-Based Learning Environment. Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, pp. 209-218, Memphis, Tennessee, 2013.
Jennifer Sabourin, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Utilizing Dynamic Bayes Nets to Improve Early Prediction Models of Self-Regulated Learning. Proceedings of the Twenty-First Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, pp. 228-241, Rome, Italy, 2013. (James Chen Best Student Paper Award)
John Nietfeld, James Minogue, Hiller A. Spires, and James Lester. Girls and games: Examining the performance and self-regulation of girls in a science gaming environment. Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA, 2013.
Jennifer Sabourin, Jonathan Rowe, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Considering Alternate Futures to Classify Off-Task Behavior as Emotion Self-Regulation: A Supervised Learning Approach. Journal of Educational Data Mining, 5(1), 9-38, 2013.
James Lester, Jonathan Rowe, and Bradford Mott. Narrative-Centered Learning Environments: A Story-Centric Approach to Educational Games. Emerging Technologies for the Classroom: A Learning Sciences Perspective, Mouza, C. and Lavigne N. (Eds.), pp. 223-238, Springer US, Manhattan, New York, USA, 2013.
James Lester, Bradford Mott, Jennifer Robison, Jonathan Rowe, and Lucy Shores. Supporting Self-Regulated Science Learning in Narrative-Centered Learning Environments. International Handbook on Metacognition and Learning Technologies, Azevedo, R. & Aleven, V. (Eds.), pp. 471-483, Springer US, Manhattan, New York, USA, 2013.


Alok Baikadi, Jonathan Rowe, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Toward Narrative Schema-Based Goal Recognition Models for Interactive Narrative Environments. Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Intelligent Narrative Technologies, pp. 2-7, Palo Alto, California, 2012.
Angela Meluso, Meixun Zheng, Hiller A. Spires, and James Lester. Enhancing 5th Graders' Science Content Knowledge and Self-efficacy Through Game-based Learning. Computers & Education, 59, 497-504, 2012.
Eun Young Ha, Jonathan Rowe, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Goal Recognition with Markov Logic Networks for Player-Adaptive Games. Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 2113-2119, Toronto, Canada, 2012.
Jennifer Sabourin, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Early Prediction of Student Self-Regulation Strategies by Combining Multiple Models. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Educational Data Mining, pp. 156-159, Crete, Greece, 2012.
Seung Lee, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Real-Time Narrative-Centered Tutorial Planning for Story-Based Learning. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, pp. 476-481, Crete, Greece, 2012.
Jennifer Sabourin, Jonathan Rowe, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Exploring Affect and Inquiry in Open-Ended Game-based Learning Environments. Proceedings of the ITS Workshop on Emotions in Games for Learning, Crete, Greece, 2012.
Jennifer Sabourin, Lucy Shores, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Predicting Student Self-Regulation Strategies in Game-Based Learning Environments. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, pp. 141-150, Crete, Greece, 2012.
Jennifer Sabourin, Jonathan Rowe, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Exploring Inquiry-based Problem-Solving Strategies in Game-based Learning Environments. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, pp. 470-475, Crete, Greece, 2012.
Lucy Shores, Kristin Hoffmann, John Nietfeld, and James Lester. The Role of Sub-Problems: Supporting Problem Solving in Narrative-Centered Learning Environments. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, pp. 464-469, Crete, Greece, 2012.


Seung Lee, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Director Agent Intervention Strategies for Interactive Narrative Environments. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, pp. 140-151, Vancouver, Canada, 2011.
Eun Young Ha, Jonathan Rowe, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Goal Recognition with Markov Logic Networks for Player-Adaptive Games. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment, pp. 32-39, Palo Alto, California, 2011. (Best Paper Award)
Seung Lee, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Learning Director Agent Strategies: An Inductive Framework for Modeling Director Agents. Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Intelligent Narrative Technologies, pp. 37-40, Palo Alto, California, 2011.
Jennifer Sabourin, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Generalizing Models of Student Affect in Game-Based Learning Environments. Proceedings of the ACII Workshop on Machine Learning for Affective Computing, pp. 588-597, Memphis, Tennessee, 2011.
Jennifer Sabourin, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Modeling Learner Affect with Theoretically Grounded Dynamic Bayesian Networks. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, pp. 286-295, Memphis, Tennessee, 2011.
Seung Lee, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Modeling Narrative-Centered Tutorial Decision Making in Guided Discovery Learning. Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, pp. 163-170, Auckland, New Zealand, 2011.
Jennifer Sabourin, Jonathan Rowe, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. When Off-Task is On-Task: The Affective Role of Off-Task Behavior in Narrative-Centered Learning Environments. Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, pp. 534-536, Auckland, New Zealand, 2011.
Lucy Shores, Jonathan Rowe, and James Lester. Early Prediction of Cognitive Tool Use in Narrative-Centered Learning Environments. Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, pp. 320-327, Auckland, New Zealand, 2011.
James Lester, Scott McQuiggan, and Jennifer Sabourin. Affect Recognition and Expression in Narrative-Centered Learning Environments. New Perspectives on Affect and Learning Technologies, R.A. Calvo & S.K. D'Mello (Eds.), pp. 85-96, Springer, New York, 2011.
Jonathan Rowe, Lucy Shores, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Integrating Learning, Problem Solving, and Engagement in Narrative-Centered Learning Environments. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 21(1-2), 115-133, 2011.
Hiller A. Spires, Jonathan Rowe, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Problem Solving and Game-Based Learning: Effects of Middle Grade Students' Hypothesis Testing Strategies on Learning Outcomes. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 44(4), 453-472, 2011.


Jonathan Rowe and James Lester. Modeling User Knowledge with Dynamic Bayesian Networks in Interactive Narrative Environments. Proceedings of the Sixth Annual AI and Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference, pp. 57-62, Palo Alto, California, 2010.
Jonathan Rowe, Lucy Shores, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Individual Differences in Gameplay and Learning: A Narrative-Centered Learning Perspective. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Foundations of Digital Games, pp. 171-178, Monterey, California, 2010.
Seung Lee, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Investigating Director Agents' Decision Making in Interactive Narrative: A Wizard-of-Oz Study. Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Intelligent Narrative Technologies, Monterey, California, 2010.
Jonathan Rowe, Lucy Shores, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. A Framework for Narrative Adaptation in Interactive Story-Based Learning Environments. Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Intelligent Narrative Technologies, Monterey, California, 2010.
Seung Lee, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Optimizing Story-Based Learning: An Investigation of Student Narrative Profiles. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, pp. 155-165, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2010.
Jennifer Robison, Scott McQuiggan, and James Lester. Developing Empirically Based Student Personality Profiles for Affective Feedback Models. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, pp. 285-295, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2010.
Jonathan Rowe, Lucy Shores, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Integrating Learning and Engagement in Narrative-Centered Learning Environments. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, pp. 166-177, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2010.
Scott McQuiggan, Jennifer Robison, and James Lester. Affective Transitions in Narrative-Centered Learning Environments. Educational Technology & Society, 13(1), 40-53, 2010.


Lucy Shores, Jennifer Robison, Jonathan Rowe, Kristin Hoffmann, and James Lester. Narrative-Centered Learning Environments: A Self-Regulated Learning Perspective. AAAI Fall Symposium: Cognitive and Metacognitive Educational Systems, , 2009.
Jennifer Robison, Jonathan Rowe, Scott McQuiggan, and James Lester. Predicting User Psychological Characteristics from Interactions with Empathetic Virtual Agents. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, pp. 330-336, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2009.
Jennifer Robison, Scott McQuiggan, and James Lester. Evaluating the Consequences of Affective Feedback in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Proceedings of the International Conference on Affective Computing & Intelligent Interaction, pp. 37-42, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2009. (Best Student Paper Award)
Scott McQuiggan and James Lester. Modeling Affect Expression and Recognition in an Interactive Learning Environment. International Journal of Learning Technology, 4(3-4), 216-233, 2009.
Jonathan Rowe, Bradford Mott, Scott McQuiggan, Jennifer Robison, Seung Lee, and James Lester. Crystal Island: A Narrative-Centered Learning Environment for Eighth Grade Microbiology. Proceedings of the AIED Workshop on Intelligent Educational Games, pp. 11-20, Brighton, United Kingdom, 2009.
Jonathan Rowe, Scott McQuiggan, Jennifer Robison, and James Lester. Off-Task Behavior in Narrative-Centered Learning Environments. Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, pp. 99-106, Brighton, U.K., 2009.
Jennifer Robison, Scott McQuiggan, and James Lester. Modeling Task-Based vs. Affect-Based Feedback Behavior in Pedagogical Agents: An Inductive Approach Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, pp. 25-32, Brighton, U.K., 2009.
Jonathan Rowe, Scott McQuiggan, Jennifer Robison, Darrick Marcey, and James Lester. STORYEVAL: An Empirical Evaluation Framework for Narrative Generation. AAAI Spring Symposium: Intelligent Narrative Technologies II, pp. 103-110, Stanford, California, 2009.



James Minogue, Bradford Mott, John Nietfeld, Hiller A. Spires, James Lester, and Marc Russo. Tracing the development of Crystal Island: Uncharted Discovery: An intelligent game-based learning environment. National Association of Research in Science Teaching Annual Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2010.
James Minogue, Bradford Mott, John Nietfeld, Hiller A. Spires, James Lester, and Marc Russo. Crystal Island: Uncharted Discovery: An intelligent game-based learning environment. National Association of Research in Science Teaching Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, 2010.
Jennifer Sabourin and Lucy Shores. Supporting Collaborative Learning in Narrative-Centered Learning Environments. The Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, Atlanta, Georgia, 2010.