Jennifer Houchins, Danielle Boulden, James Lester, Bradford Mott, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, and Eric Wiebe. How Use-Modify-Create Brings Middle Grades Students to Computational Thinking. International Journal of Designs for Learning, 12(3), 1-20, 2021. |
Danielle Boulden, Arif Rachmatullah, Madeline Hinckle, Dolly Bounajim, Bradford Mott, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, James Lester, and Eric Wiebe. Supporting Students’ Computer Science Learning with a Game-based Learning Environment that Integrates a Use-Modify-Create Scaffolding Framework. Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, pp. 129-135, Virtual, 2021. |
Gloria Katuka, Richard Bex, Mehmet Celepkolu, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Eric Wiebe, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. My Partner was a Good Partner: Investigating the Relationship between Dialogue Acts and Satisfaction among Middle School Computer Science Learners. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, pp. 51-58, Virtual, 2021. |
Wookhee Min, Bradford Mott, Kyungjin Park, Sandra Taylor, Bita Akram, Eric Wiebe, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, and James Lester. Promoting Computer Science Learning with Block-Based Programming and Narrative-Centered Gameplay. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Games, pp. 654-657, Osaka, Japan, 2020. |
Arif Rachmatullah, Eric Wiebe, Danielle Boulden, Bradford Mott, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, and James Lester. Development and Validation of the Computer Science Attitudes Scale for Middle School Students (MG-CS Attitudes). Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 2, 2020. |
Bita Akram, Hamoon Azizolsoltani, Wookhee Min, Eric Wiebe, Anam Navied, Bradford Mott, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, and James Lester. Automated Assessment of Computer Science Competencies from Student Programs with Gaussian Process Regression. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, pp. 555-560, Ifrane, Morocco, 2020. |
Kyungjin Park, Bradford Mott, Wookhee Min, Eric Wiebe, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, and James Lester. Generating Game Levels to Develop Computer Science Competencies in Game-Based Learning Environments. Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, pp. 240-245, Ifrane, Morocco, 2020. |
Madeline Hinckle, Arif Rachmatullah, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Bradford Mott, James Lester, and Eric Wiebe. The Relationship of Gender, Experiential, and Psychological Factors to Achievement in Computer Science. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, pp. 225-231, Trondheim, Norway, 2020. |
Bita Akram, Hamoon Azizolsoltani, Wookhee Min, Eric Wiebe, Anam Navied, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. A Data-Driven Approach to Automatically Assessing Concept-Level CS Competencies Based on Student Programs. Presented at the 4th Educational Data Mining in Computer Science Education Workshop, Virtual, 2020. |
Wookhee Min, Megan Frankosky, Bradford Mott, Jonathan Rowe, Andy Smith, Eric Wiebe, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, and James Lester. DeepStealth: Game-Based Learning Stealth Assessment with Deep Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 13(2), 312-325, 2020. |
Mehmet Celepkolu, Erin O'Halloran, and Kristy Elizabeth Boyer. Upper Elementary and Middle Grade Teachers' Perceptions, Concerns, and Goals for Integrating CS into Classrooms. In Proceedings of the 51st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, pp. 965-970, Portland, 2020. |
Mehmet Celepkolu, David Austin Fussell, Aisha Chung Galdo, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Eric Wiebe, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Exploring Middle School Students' Reflections on the Infusion of CS into Science Classrooms. Proceedings of the Fifty-First ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, pp. 671-677, Portland, 2020. |
Arif Rachmatullah, Bita Akram, Danielle Boulden, Bradford Mott, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, James Lester, and Eric Wiebe. Development and Validation of the Middle Grades Computer Science Concept Inventory (MG-CSCI) Assessment. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 16(5), 2020. |
Sandra Taylor, Wookhee Min, Bradford Mott, Andrew Emerson, Andy Smith, Eric Wiebe, and James Lester. Position: IntelliBlox: A Toolkit for Integrating Block-Based Programming into Game-Based Learning Environments. Proceedings of the IEEE Blocks and Beyond Workshop, pp. 55-58, Memphis, Tennessee, 2019. |
Kyungjin Park, Bradford Mott, Wookhee Min, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Eric Wiebe, and James Lester. Generating Educational Game Levels with Multistep Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Games, pp. 345-352, London, 2019. |
Wookhee Min, Kyungjin Park, Joseph Wiggins, Bradford Mott, Eric Wiebe, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, and James Lester. Predicting Dialogue Breakdown in Conversational Pedagogical Agents with Multimodal LSTMs. Proceedings of the Twentieth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, pp. 195-200, Chicago, 2019. |
Eric Wiebe, Jennifer London, Osman Aksit, Bradford Mott, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, and James Lester. Development of a Lean Computational Thinking Abilities Assessment for Middle Grades Students. Proceedings of the Fiftieth ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, pp. 456-461, Minneapolis, 2019. |
Danielle Boulden, Eric Wiebe, Bita Akram, Osman Aksit, Philip Buffum, Bradford Mott, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, and James Lester. Computational Thinking Integration into Middle School Science Classrooms: Strategies for Meeting the Challenges. Middle Grades Review, 4(3), 2018. |
Bita Akram, Wookhee Min, Eric Wiebe, Bradford Mott, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, and James Lester. Improving Stealth Assessment in Game-based Learning with LSTM-based Analytics. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Educational Data Mining, pp. 208-218, Buffalo, New York, 2018. |
Philip Buffum, Kimberly Ying, Xiaoxi Zheng, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Eric Wiebe, Bradford Mott, David Blackburn, and James Lester. Introducing the Computer Science Concept of Variables in Middle School Science Classrooms. Proceedings of the Forty-Ninth ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, pp. 906-911, Baltimore, Maryland, 2018. |
Philip Buffum, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Eric Wiebe, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Mind the Gap: Improving Gender Equity in Game-Based Learning Environments with Learning Companions. Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, pp. 64-73, Madrid, Spain, 2015. |
Wookhee Min, Megan Frankosky, Bradford Mott, Jonathan Rowe, Eric Wiebe, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, and James Lester. DeepStealth: Leveraging Deep Learning Models for Stealth Assessment in Game-based Learning Environments. Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, pp. 277-286, Madrid, Spain, 2015. |
Philip Buffum, Megan Frankosky, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Eric Wiebe, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Leveraging Collaboration to Improve Gender Equity in a Game-based Learning Environment for Middle School Computer Science. RESPECT - IEEE Special Technical Community on Broadening Participation, pp. 1-8, Charlotte, North Carolina, 2015. |
Philip Buffum, Eleni Lobene, Megan Frankosky, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Eric Wiebe, and James Lester. A Practical Guide to Developing and Validating Computer Science Knowledge Assessments with Application to Middle School. Proceedings of the Forty-Sixth ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, pp. 622-627, Kansas City, Missouri, 2015. |
Wookhee Min, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Adaptive Scaffolding in an Intelligent Game-Based Learning Environment for Computer Science. Proceedings of the ITS Workshop on AI-supported Education for Computer Science, pp. 41-50, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2014. |
Bradford Mott, Jonathan Rowe, Wookhee Min, Robert Taylor, and James Lester. Flare: An Open Source Toolkit for Creating Expressive User Interfaces for Serious Games. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 2014. |
Philip Buffum, Allison Martínez-Arocho, Megan Frankosky, Fernando Rodríguez, Eric Wiebe, and Kristy Elizabeth Boyer. CS Principles Goes to Middle School: Learning How to Teach “Big Data”. Proceedings of the Forty-Fifth ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, pp. 151-156, Atlanta, Georgia, 2014. |